Projector for the trains of today and tomorrow

In 15 years we have gathered more than 400 years' train experience and we would like to share this! Project and concept development have always been an integral part of our DNA, then came the train aspects and later service and now also support. We take one step at a time, but are always in constant movement.


projector considers delivery an important parameter of successful project execution.

We think in terms of optimisation and overall solution for the customer in one and the same delivery. Therefore, Projector has specialised in delivering their projects either as “plug-and-play” or as kits.

Dette er en billedtekst

  • “Plug-and-play” – where the customer receives items that are finished, tested and ready to be included in the customer’s production
    • Module deliverables – large parts and components
  • Kit delivery – “Everything in one box”. The box is delivered to the customer’s production line
    • Product deliverables with appurtenant fitting instructions