projector has more than 400 years’ railway experience. Therefore, we also have a large network within all corners of the railway industry with whom we maintain regular contact.
By using our competent employees and experts, we use our knowledge and experience to support our customers and their requirements. Projector’s knowledge bank, which offers support for the train industry, consists of the following people, among many others:
Stig Søndergaard
Stig has more than 35 years’ experience within the railway industry. He has operated in several areas and excels within areas such as inspection, supervision, quality as well as safety. For many years Stig has participated in inspection and supervision tasks on several different types of train, both Danish and international. He has worked at all levels, right from coordinating to management. Quality and safety work has been a natural link to the inspection and supervision work, which is why Stig has also gained significant management experience through his work as well as insight into these areas.
Claus Gustafsson
Claus has more than 18 years’ experience within the railway industry. Claus has gained his experience primarily within electrical construction, software, testing and quality. He is a qualified electrical engineer and has a background in electrical construction. Claus has executed and participated in many train projects where the electrical specifications have been kept in mind. Being a qualified and certified lead auditor and with several years’ experience as a test and quality inspector on several different train projects, right from new production, renovation and repairs to module level for entire train sets, has given Claus significant insight and knowledge about this specific work.
Ejler Jensen
Ejler has more than 25 years’ experience within the design and development of trains, among these Flexliner IC3-IR4. In this regard, he was presented with the idea award and later a design award for the work. Ejler established his own practice, Projector, in 1998. Over the years he has created some unique layout solutions, which accommodate functionality, beautiful design but also still comply with applicable authority requirements. This unique knowledge and experience has meant participation in several projects, right from concept to execution, but also tasks that have stretched from building mock-ups to use for the basis in the tender process, to layout proposals and larger tenders on finishings and interiors.
Jesper Kratmann
Jesper has more than 10 years’ experience within the design of mechanical systems. With an education as a mechanical engineer, Jesper easily navigates around all forms of mechanical constructions while thinking about good and optimal solutions for the customer. Many of our projects come about from a development task. Therefore, the project manager role is not unaccustomed to Jesper when he works on these tasks. Calculations and analyses are a known and often used practice for Jesper who likes to incorporate strength calculations, dimensioning and, not least, finite element calculations into his constructions. All constructions are developed and drawn in modern 3D formats so they appear correct and realistic. Furthermore, Jesper is a qualified welding coordinator and as such ensures that we comply with the quality and construction requirements that may exist for welding.
Knud Josephsen
Knud has more than 40 years’ experience within the construction trade. Knud has worked with all possible constructions, right from furniture, gates to parts and components for large machines, buses and trains. Production diagrams, parts lists, user instructions and assembly instructions are part of his DNA. Good solutions and durable constructions are the thoughts that are always prioritised. All constructions are developed and drawn in modern 3D formats so they appear correct and realistic.
Morten Hartvig Jakobsen
Morten has more than 30 years’ experience as a leader, manager and director within train maintenance, components, damage, renovation and preparation. Morten’s knowledge and experience means that he masters support, sparring and consulting on many levels in terms of systems as well as management. He possesses the ability to advise and support decision-makers in processes around tenders and the establishment of railway systems. At the same time, Morten has good sense and significant knowledge of operations optimisation and project management in this connection. Larger bid work, mobilisations and workshop construction are known tasks for Morten who knows what is needed to get things done with a successful result.